1"""Functions to compare and validate results.
5.. [#Deane21] Deane, P. (2021) Our Climate Neutral Future: Zero by 50. Wind
6 Energy Ireland. Available at:
7 https://windenergyireland.com/images/files/our-climate-neutral-future-0by50-final-report.pdf
8 (Accessed: 8 February 2024).
9.. [#Pashchenko24] Pashchenko, D. (2024) ‘Green hydrogen as a power plant fuel:
10 What is energy efficiency from production to utilization?’, Renewable
11 Energy, 223, p. 120033. Available at:
12 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2024.120033.
13.. [#RoyalSociety23] The Royal Society (2023) Large-scale electricity storage.
14 London: The Royal Society. Available at:
15 https://royalsociety.org/electricity-storage (Accessed: 15 September 2023).
16.. [#DECC23] Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (2023)
17 National Hydrogen Strategy. Government of Ireland. Available at:
18 https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/624ab-national-hydrogen-strategy/
19 (Accessed: 25 July 2023).
22import os
23import sys
25import geopandas as gpd
26import numpy as np
28from h2ss import capacity as cap
29from h2ss import data as rd
30from h2ss import functions as fns
31from h2ss import optimisation as opt
33# from h2ss import optimisation as opt
36class HiddenPrints:
37 """Suppress print statements: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45669280"""
39 def __enter__(self):
40 self._original_stdout = sys.stdout
41 sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
43 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
44 sys.stdout.close()
45 sys.stdout = self._original_stdout
48def electricity_demand_ie(data):
49 """Compare the capacity to Ireland's electricity demand in 2050.
51 Parameters
52 ----------
53 data : pandas.Series
54 Pandas series or dataframe column of capacities
56 Notes
57 -----
58 Figures from [#Deane21]_.
59 Assume that the conversion of hydrogen to electricity is 50% efficient;
60 When fuel with 100% H2 is used, higher heating value and lower heating
61 value efficiency are 48.7% and 57.5%, respectively [#Pashchenko24]_.
62 This does not account for transmission losses.
63 Assume that the hydrogen demand is 17% of the electricity demand, based
64 on the Royal Society report on energy storage [#RoyalSociety23]_.
65 """
66 print(
67 "Energy capacity as a percentage of Ireland's electricity demand\n"
68 "in 2050 (84–122 TWh electricity), assuming a conversion efficiency\n"
69 f"of 50%: "
70 f"{(data.sum() * .5 / 1000 / 122 * 100):.2f}–"
71 f"{(data.sum() * .5 / 1000 / 84 * 100):.2f}%"
72 )
73 print(
74 "Energy capacity as a percentage of Ireland's hydrogen demand\n"
75 f"in 2050, assuming it is 17% of the electricity demand\n"
76 "(84–122 TWh electricity): "
77 f"{(data.sum() / 1000 / (122 * .17) * 100):.2f}–"
78 f"{(data.sum() / 1000 / (84 * .17) * 100):.2f}%"
79 )
82def hydrogen_demand_ie(data):
83 """Compare the capacity to Ireland's hydrogen demand in 2050.
85 Parameters
86 ----------
87 data : pandas.Series
88 Pandas series or dataframe column of capacities
90 Notes
91 -----
92 Data from the National Hydrogen Strategy [#DECC23]_.
93 """
94 print(
95 "Energy capacity as a percentage of Ireland's domestic hydrogen\n"
96 "demand in 2050 (4.6–39 TWh hydrogen): "
97 f"{(data.sum() / 1000 / 39 * 100):.2f}–"
98 f"{(data.sum() / 1000 / 4.6 * 100):.2f}%"
99 )
100 print(
101 "Energy capacity as a percentage of Ireland's domestic and\n"
102 "non-domestic hydrogen demand in 2050 (19.8–74.6 TWh hydrogen): "
103 f"{(data.sum() / 1000 / 74.6 * 100):.2f}–"
104 f"{(data.sum() / 1000 / 19.8 * 100):.2f}%"
105 )
108def distance_from_pipeline(cavern_df, pipeline_data_path):
109 """Calculate the distance of the caverns from the nearest pipeline.
111 Parameters
112 ----------
113 cavern_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
114 Dataframe of potential caverns
115 pipeline_data_path : str
116 Path to the offshore pipeline Shapefile data
117 """
118 pipelines = rd.read_shapefile_from_zip(data_path=pipeline_data_path)
119 pipelines = (
120 pipelines.to_crs(rd.CRS)
121 .overlay(gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=cavern_df.buffer(25000)))
122 .dissolve()
123 )
124 distances = []
125 for i in range(len(cavern_df)):
126 distances.append(
127 cavern_df.iloc[[i]]
128 .distance(pipelines["geometry"], align=False)
129 .values[0]
130 )
131 print(
132 "Distance to nearest pipeline from caverns: "
133 f"{np.min(distances) / 1000:.2f}–{np.max(distances) / 1000:.2f} km "
134 f"(mean: {np.mean(distances) / 1000:.2f} km)"
135 )
138def calculate_number_of_caverns(cavern_df, weibull_wf_data):
139 """Calculate the number of caverns required by each wind farm.
141 Parameters
142 ----------
143 cavern_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
144 Dataframe of potential caverns
145 weibull_wf_data : pandas.DataFrame
146 Dataframe of the Weibull distribution parameters for the wind farms
147 """
148 working_mass_cumsum_1 = (
149 cavern_df.sort_values("working_mass", ascending=False)
150 .reset_index()[["working_mass", "capacity"]]
151 .cumsum()
152 )
153 working_mass_cumsum_2 = (
154 cavern_df.sort_values("working_mass")
155 .reset_index()[["working_mass", "capacity"]]
156 .cumsum()
157 )
158 caverns_low = []
159 caverns_high = []
160 cap_max = []
161 for x in range(len(weibull_wf_data)):
162 print(weibull_wf_data["name"].iloc[x])
163 print(f"Working mass [kg]: {(weibull_wf_data['AHP'].iloc[x]):.6E}")
164 caverns_low.append(
165 working_mass_cumsum_1.loc[
166 working_mass_cumsum_1["working_mass"]
167 >= weibull_wf_data["AHP"].iloc[x]
168 ]
169 .head(1)
170 .index[0]
171 + 1
172 )
173 caverns_high.append(
174 working_mass_cumsum_2.loc[
175 working_mass_cumsum_2["working_mass"]
176 >= weibull_wf_data["AHP"].iloc[x]
177 ]
178 .head(1)
179 .index[0]
180 + 1
181 )
182 print(
183 f"Number of caverns required: {caverns_low[x]}–{caverns_high[x]}"
184 )
185 cap_max.append(
186 max(
187 working_mass_cumsum_1.loc[
188 working_mass_cumsum_1["working_mass"]
189 >= weibull_wf_data["AHP"].iloc[x]
190 ]
191 .head(1)["capacity"]
192 .values[0],
193 working_mass_cumsum_2.loc[
194 working_mass_cumsum_2["working_mass"]
195 >= weibull_wf_data["AHP"].iloc[x]
196 ]
197 .head(1)["capacity"]
198 .values[0],
199 )
200 )
201 print(f"Capacity (approx.) [GWh]: {(cap_max[x]):,.2f}")
202 print("-" * 78)
203 # total number of caverns
204 print(
205 "Total number of caverns required: "
206 f"{sum(caverns_low)}–{sum(caverns_high)}"
207 )
208 print("-" * 78)
209 # number of caverns as a percentage of the total available caverns
210 print(
211 "Number of caverns required as a percentage of all available caverns:"
212 f"\n{(sum(caverns_low) / len(cavern_df) * 100):.2f}–"
213 f"{(sum(caverns_high) / len(cavern_df) * 100):.2f}%"
214 )
215 print("-" * 78)
216 # total capacity
217 print(f"Total maximum cavern capacity (approx.): {sum(cap_max):,.2f} GWh")
220def load_all_data(keep_orig=False):
221 """Load all input datasets.
223 Parameters
224 ----------
225 keep_orig : bool
226 Whether to keep the original constraints datasets after buffering
228 Returns
229 -------
230 tuple[xarray.Dataset, geopandas.GeoDataFrame, dict[str, geopandas.GeoDataFrame]]
231 The halite data, extent, and exclusions
232 """
233 ds, extent = rd.kish_basin_data_depth_adjusted(
234 dat_path=os.path.join("data", "kish-basin"),
235 bathymetry_path=os.path.join("data", "bathymetry"),
236 )
238 exclusions = {}
240 # exploration wells
241 exclusions["wells"], exclusions["wells_b"] = (
242 fns.constraint_exploration_well(
243 data_path=os.path.join(
244 "data",
245 "exploration-wells",
246 "Exploration_Wells_Irish_Offshore.shapezip.zip",
247 )
248 )
249 )
251 # wind farms
252 exclusions["wind_farms"] = fns.constraint_wind_farm(
253 data_path=os.path.join(
254 "data", "wind-farms", "marine-area-consent-wind.zip"
255 )
256 )
258 # frequent shipping routes
259 exclusions["shipping"], exclusions["shipping_b"] = (
260 fns.constraint_shipping_routes(
261 data_path=os.path.join(
262 "data", "shipping", "shipping_frequently_used_routes.zip"
263 ),
264 dat_extent=extent,
265 )
266 )
268 # shipwrecks
269 exclusions["shipwrecks"], exclusions["shipwrecks_b"] = (
270 fns.constraint_shipwrecks(
271 data_path=os.path.join(
272 "data",
273 "shipwrecks",
274 "IE_GSI_MI_Shipwrecks_IE_Waters_WGS84_LAT.zip",
275 ),
276 dat_extent=extent,
277 )
278 )
280 # subsea cables
281 exclusions["cables"], exclusions["cables_b"] = (
282 fns.constraint_subsea_cables(
283 data_path=os.path.join("data", "subsea-cables", "KIS-ORCA.gpkg"),
284 dat_extent=extent,
285 )
286 )
288 if not keep_orig:
289 del exclusions["cables"]
290 del exclusions["shipwrecks"]
291 del exclusions["shipping"]
292 del exclusions["wells"]
294 return ds, extent, exclusions
297def capacity_function(ds, extent, exclusions, cavern_diameter, cavern_height):
298 """Calculate the energy storage capacity for different cases.
300 Parameters
301 ----------
302 ds : xarray.Dataset
303 Xarray dataset of the halite data
304 extent : geopandas.GeoSeries
305 Extent of the data
306 exclusions : dict[str, geopandas.GeoDataFrame]
307 Dictionary of exclusions data
308 cavern_diameter : float
309 Diameter of the cavern [m]
310 cavern_height : float
311 Height of the cavern [m]
313 Returns
314 -------
315 tuple[geopandas.GeoDataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame]
316 Dataframes of the caverns and zones of interest
318 Notes
319 -----
320 Uses the defaults apart from the changing cavern diameters and heights.
321 """
322 # distance from salt formation edge
323 edge_buffer = fns.constraint_halite_edge(
324 dat_xr=ds, buffer=cavern_diameter * 3
325 )
327 zones, zds = fns.zones_of_interest(
328 dat_xr=ds,
329 constraints={
330 "net_height": cavern_height,
331 "min_depth": 500,
332 "max_depth": 2000,
333 },
334 )
336 caverns = fns.generate_caverns_hexagonal_grid(
337 zones_df=zones,
338 dat_extent=extent,
339 diameter=cavern_diameter,
340 separation=cavern_diameter * 4,
341 )
343 caverns = fns.cavern_dataframe(
344 dat_zone=zds,
345 cavern_df=caverns,
346 depths={"min": 500, "min_opt": 1000, "max_opt": 1500, "max": 2000},
347 )
349 # label caverns by depth and heights
350 caverns = fns.label_caverns(
351 cavern_df=caverns,
352 heights=[cavern_height],
353 depths={"min": 500, "min_opt": 1000, "max_opt": 1500, "max": 2000},
354 )
356 with HiddenPrints():
357 caverns, _ = fns.generate_caverns_with_constraints(
358 cavern_df=caverns,
359 exclusions={
360 "wells": exclusions["wells_b"],
361 "wind_farms": exclusions["wind_farms"],
362 "shipwrecks": exclusions["shipwrecks_b"],
363 "shipping": exclusions["shipping_b"],
364 "cables": exclusions["cables_b"],
365 "edge": edge_buffer,
366 },
367 )
369 caverns["cavern_total_volume"] = cap.cavern_volume(
370 height=caverns["cavern_height"], diameter=cavern_diameter
371 )
372 caverns["cavern_volume"] = cap.corrected_cavern_volume(
373 v_cavern=caverns["cavern_total_volume"]
374 )
376 caverns["t_mid_point"] = cap.temperature_cavern_mid_point(
377 height=caverns["cavern_height"], depth_top=caverns["cavern_depth"]
378 )
380 (
381 caverns["p_operating_min"],
382 caverns["p_operating_max"],
383 ) = cap.pressure_operating(
384 thickness_overburden=caverns["TopDepthSeabed"],
385 depth_water=-caverns["Bathymetry"],
386 )
388 caverns["rho_min"], caverns["rho_max"] = cap.density_hydrogen_gas(
389 p_operating_min=caverns["p_operating_min"],
390 p_operating_max=caverns["p_operating_max"],
391 t_mid_point=caverns["t_mid_point"],
392 )
394 (
395 caverns["working_mass"],
396 caverns["mass_operating_min"],
397 caverns["mass_operating_max"],
398 ) = cap.mass_hydrogen_working(
399 rho_h2_min=caverns["rho_min"],
400 rho_h2_max=caverns["rho_max"],
401 v_cavern=caverns["cavern_volume"],
402 )
404 caverns["capacity"] = cap.energy_storage_capacity(
405 m_working=caverns["working_mass"]
406 )
408 caverns["cavern_diameter"] = cavern_diameter
410 # df = caverns[["cavern_diameter", "cavern_height", "capacity"]].copy()
412 return caverns, zones
415def optimisation_function(
416 ds, extent, exclusions, cavern_diameter, cavern_height
418 """Run all capacity and optimisation functions.
420 Parameters
421 ----------
422 ds : xarray.Dataset
423 Xarray dataset of the halite data
424 extent : geopandas.GeoSeries
425 Extent of the data
426 exclusions : dict[str, geopandas.GeoDataFrame]
427 Dictionary of exclusions data
428 cavern_diameter : float
429 Diameter of the cavern [m]
430 cavern_height : float
431 Height of the cavern [m]
433 Returns
434 -------
435 tuple[geopandas.GeoDataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame, geopandas.GeoSeries]
436 Dataframes of the caverns, zones, Weibull parameters, and injection point
438 Notes
439 -----
440 Uses the defaults apart from the changing cavern diameters and heights.
441 """
442 caverns, zones = capacity_function(
443 ds=ds,
444 extent=extent,
445 exclusions=exclusions,
446 cavern_diameter=cavern_diameter,
447 cavern_height=cavern_height,
448 )
449 # extract data for wind farms at 150 m
450 weibull_wf_df = fns.read_weibull_data(
451 data_path_weibull=os.path.join(
452 "data",
453 "weibull-parameters-wind-speeds",
454 "Weibull_150m_params_ITM.zip",
455 ),
456 data_path_wind_farms=os.path.join(
457 "data", "wind-farms", "marine-area-consent-wind.zip"
458 ),
459 )
460 # number of 15 MW turbines, rounded down to the nearest integer
461 weibull_wf_df["n_turbines"] = opt.number_of_turbines(
462 owf_cap=weibull_wf_df["cap"]
463 )
464 weibull_wf_df = opt.annual_energy_production(weibull_wf_data=weibull_wf_df)
465 weibull_wf_df["AHP"] = opt.annual_hydrogen_production(
466 aep=weibull_wf_df["AEP"]
467 )
468 caverns, injection_point = opt.transmission_distance(
469 cavern_df=caverns, wf_data=exclusions["wind_farms"]
470 )
471 weibull_wf_df["E_cap"] = opt.electrolyser_capacity(
472 n_turbines=weibull_wf_df["n_turbines"]
473 )
474 with HiddenPrints():
475 weibull_wf_df["CAPEX"] = opt.capex_pipeline(
476 e_cap=weibull_wf_df["E_cap"]
477 )
478 caverns = opt.lcot_pipeline(
479 weibull_wf_data=weibull_wf_df, cavern_df=caverns
480 )
481 return caverns, zones, weibull_wf_df, injection_point