1"""test ``h2ss.optimisation`` functions.
5import geopandas as gpd
6import numpy as np
7import pandas as pd
8from geopandas.testing import assert_geodataframe_equal, assert_geoseries_equal
9from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal
10from scipy import integrate
11from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
13from h2ss import data as rd
14from h2ss import optimisation as opt
17def test_ref_power_curve():
18 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.ref_power_curve``"""
19 wind_speeds = list(range(31))
20 power_curve = (
21 [0] * 4
22 + [0.499, 1.424, 2.732, 4.469, 6.643, 9.459, 12.975]
23 + [15] * 15
24 + [0] * 5
25 )
26 for v, p in zip(wind_speeds, power_curve):
27 assert round(opt.ref_power_curve(v=v), 3) == p
28 assert isinstance(opt.ref_power_curve(v=v), (float, int))
29 power_coeff = opt.power_coefficient(v=v) * opt.power_wind_resource(v=v)
30 assert round(power_coeff, 10) == round(opt.ref_power_curve(v=v), 10)
33def test_weibull_probability_distribution():
34 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.weibull_probability_distribution``"""
35 k_vals = [1.4, 1.7, 2.0, 2.15, 2.25]
36 c_vals = [5.1, 9.2, 10.4, 8, 12]
37 v_vals = [0, 7.2, 11.7, 14.6, 28, 20]
38 weibull = []
39 weibull_func = []
40 for k, c, v in zip(k_vals, c_vals, v_vals):
41 weibull.append(
42 k / c * ((v / c) ** (k - 1)) * np.e ** (-((v / c) ** k))
43 )
44 weibull_func.append(
45 opt.weibull_probability_distribution(k=k, c=c, v=v)
46 )
47 weibull = [round(x, 10) for x in weibull]
48 weibull_func = [round(x, 10) for x in weibull_func]
49 assert weibull_func == weibull
52def test_number_of_turbines():
53 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.number_of_turbines``"""
54 owf_cap_list = [500, 600, 700, 800, 900]
55 wt_power_list = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
56 n_turbines = []
57 n_turbines_func = []
58 for owf_cap, wt_power in zip(owf_cap_list, wt_power_list):
59 n_turbines_func.append(
60 opt.number_of_turbines(
61 owf_cap=np.array(owf_cap), wt_power=np.array(wt_power)
62 )
63 )
64 n_turbines.append(int(owf_cap / wt_power))
65 assert n_turbines_func == n_turbines
68def integrate_lambda(k, c):
69 """Lambda function for the quad integration test below"""
70 return lambda v: (
71 opt.ref_power_curve(v=v)
72 * opt.weibull_probability_distribution(k=k, c=c, v=v)
73 )
76def test_annual_energy_production_function():
77 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.annual_energy_production_function``"""
78 n_turbines = [50, 65, 80, 95]
79 k_vals = [1.4, 1.7, 1.9, 2.0, 2.15]
80 c_vals = [5.1, 9.2, 11, 10.4, 8]
81 cut_in = 3
82 cut_out = 25
83 w_loss = 0.1
84 acdc_loss = 0.982
85 aep = []
86 aep_func = []
87 for n, k, c in zip(n_turbines, k_vals, c_vals):
88 aep_func.append(
89 opt.annual_energy_production_function(n_turbines=n, k=k, c=c)[0]
90 )
91 integration = integrate.quad(
92 integrate_lambda(k=k, c=c),
93 a=cut_in,
94 b=cut_out,
95 limit=100, # an upper bound on the number of subintervals used
96 epsabs=1.49e-6, # absolute error tolerance
97 )
98 aep.append(365 * 24 * n * (1 - w_loss) * acdc_loss * integration[0])
99 assert aep_func == aep
102def test_annual_hydrogen_production():
103 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.annual_hydrogen_production``"""
104 aep = 15e6
105 eta_conv = 0.6
106 e_pcl = 0.004
107 assert opt.annual_hydrogen_production(
108 aep=aep, eta_conv=eta_conv, e_pcl=e_pcl
109 ) == aep / (119.96 / (3600 * eta_conv) + e_pcl)
112def test_transmission_distance():
113 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.transmission_distance``"""
114 wf_data = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
115 {
116 "name": ["Dublin Array", "Codling"],
117 "geometry": [
118 Polygon(
119 [
120 (10.0, 64.0),
121 (10.0, 63.9),
122 (10.1, 63.9),
123 (10.1, 64.0),
124 (10.0, 64.0),
125 ]
126 ),
127 Polygon(
128 [
129 (10.2, 64.2),
130 (10.2, 63.8),
131 (10.2, 63.8),
132 (10.2, 64.2),
133 (10.2, 64.2),
134 ]
135 ),
136 ],
137 },
138 crs=4326,
139 ).to_crs(rd.CRS)
140 cavern_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
141 {
142 "geometry": [
143 Point([11.0, 65.0]),
144 Point([11.1, 65.1]),
145 Point([11.2, 65.2]),
146 Point([11.3, 65.3]),
147 Point([11.4, 65.4]),
148 ]
149 },
150 crs=4326,
151 ).to_crs(rd.CRS)
152 injection_point_coords = (12, 10, 66, 30)
153 lond, lonm, latd, latm = injection_point_coords
154 injection_point = (
155 gpd.GeoSeries(
156 [
157 Point(lond + lonm / 60, latd + latm / 60),
158 Point(lond + lonm / 60, latd + latm / 60),
159 ],
160 crs=4326,
161 )
162 .to_crs(rd.CRS)
163 .drop_duplicates()
164 )
165 distance_ip = []
166 for j in list(cavern_df["geometry"]):
167 distance_ip.append(injection_point.distance(j, align=False) / 1000)
168 cavern_df["distance_ip"] = distance_ip
169 distance_wf = {}
170 for i, g in zip(list(wf_data["name"]), list(wf_data["geometry"])):
171 distance_wf[i] = []
172 for j, k in zip(
173 list(cavern_df["geometry"]), list(cavern_df["distance_ip"])
174 ):
175 distance_wf[i].append(g.distance(j) / 1000 + k)
176 cavern_df[f"dist_{i.replace(' ', '_')}"] = distance_wf[i]
177 cavern_df_func, injection_point_func = opt.transmission_distance(
178 cavern_df=cavern_df,
179 wf_data=wf_data,
180 injection_point_coords=injection_point_coords,
181 )
182 assert_geodataframe_equal(cavern_df_func, cavern_df)
183 assert_geoseries_equal(injection_point_func, injection_point)
186def test_electrolyser_capacity():
187 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.electrolyser_capacity``"""
188 n_turbines_list = [25, 50, 75, 100, 125]
189 cap_ratio_list = [0.9, 0.88, 0.86, 0.84, 0.82]
190 e_cap = []
191 e_cap_func = []
192 for n_turbines, cap in zip(n_turbines_list, cap_ratio_list):
193 e_cap_func.append(
194 opt.electrolyser_capacity(
195 n_turbines=np.array(n_turbines), cap_ratio=np.array(cap)
196 )
197 )
198 owf_cap = n_turbines * opt.REF_RATED_POWER
199 e_cap.append(int(owf_cap * cap))
200 assert e_cap_func == e_cap
203def test_capex_pipeline():
204 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.capex_pipeline``"""
205 e_cap = 500
206 p_rate = 0.006
207 capex = 2 * (
208 16000000 * e_cap * p_rate / (8.060934075639166 * 15 * np.pi)
209 + 1197200 * np.sqrt(e_cap * p_rate / (8.060934075639166 * 15 * np.pi))
210 + 329000
211 )
212 assert round(opt.capex_pipeline(e_cap=e_cap, p_rate=p_rate), 8) == round(
213 capex, 8
214 )
217def test_lcot_pipeline_function():
218 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.lcot_pipeline_function``"""
219 capex = 1000
220 transmission_distance = 100
221 ahp = 500
222 opex_ratio = 0.03
223 discount_rate = 0.05
224 lifetime = 40
225 opex = capex * opex_ratio
226 lcot = (
227 (
228 capex
229 + sum(
230 opex / np.power((1 + discount_rate), year)
231 for year in range(lifetime + 1)
232 )
233 )
234 * transmission_distance
235 / sum(
236 ahp / np.power((1 + discount_rate), year)
237 for year in range(lifetime + 1)
238 )
239 )
240 lcot_func = opt.lcot_pipeline_function(
241 capex=capex,
242 d_transmission=transmission_distance,
243 ahp=ahp,
244 opex_ratio=opex_ratio,
245 discount_rate=discount_rate,
246 lifetime=lifetime,
247 )
248 assert lcot_func == lcot
251def test_lcot_pipeline():
252 """Test ``h2ss.optimisation.lcot_pipeline``"""
253 weibull_wf_data = pd.DataFrame(
254 {
255 "name": ["Dublin Array", "Codling", "NISA"],
256 "CAPEX": [1000, 2000, 3000],
257 "AHP": [8000, 9000, 10000],
258 }
259 )
260 cavern_df = pd.DataFrame(
261 {
262 "dist_Dublin_Array": [x + 2 for x in range(20)],
263 "dist_Codling": [x + 3 for x in range(20)],
264 "dist_NISA": [x + 4 for x in range(20)],
265 }
266 )
268 for wf, capex, ahp in zip(
269 list(weibull_wf_data["name"]),
270 list(weibull_wf_data["CAPEX"]),
271 list(weibull_wf_data["AHP"]),
272 ):
273 cavern_df[f"LCOT_{wf.replace(' ', '_')}"] = opt.lcot_pipeline_function(
274 capex=capex,
275 d_transmission=cavern_df[f"dist_{wf.replace(' ', '_')}"],
276 ahp=ahp,
277 )
279 cavern_df_func = opt.lcot_pipeline(
280 weibull_wf_data=weibull_wf_data, cavern_df=cavern_df
281 )
282 assert_frame_equal(cavern_df_func, cavern_df)