1"""Functions to download and read data.
5import glob
6import os
7from datetime import datetime, timezone
8from zipfile import ZipFile
10import geopandas as gpd
11import pandas as pd
12import pooch
13import rasterio as rio
14import shapely
15import xarray as xr
16from geocube.api.core import make_geocube
18# CRS of the Kish Basin dat files
19CRS = 23029
22def download_data(url, data_dir, file_name, known_hash=None):
23 """Download data and store it in the specified directory using Pooch.
25 Parameters
26 ----------
27 url : str
28 URL from which the data will be downloaded
29 data_dir : str
30 Directory to store the downloaded data
31 file_name : str
32 Name of the downloaded data file with its extension (not full path)
33 known_hash : str
34 SHA256 hash of downloaded file
36 Notes
37 -----
38 This only downloads data if necessary, i.e. if the data file does not
39 already exist in the directory.
40 """
41 data_file = os.path.join(data_dir, file_name)
42 if not os.path.isfile(data_file):
43 os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)
44 pooch.retrieve(
45 url=url, known_hash=known_hash, fname=file_name, path=data_dir
46 )
47 print(f"Data downloaded on: {datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)}")
48 with open(f"{data_file}.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile:
49 outfile.write(
50 f"Data downloaded on: {datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)}\n"
51 f"Download URL: {url}\n"
52 f"SHA256 hash: {pooch.file_hash(data_file)}\n"
53 )
54 else:
55 print(f"Data '{file_name}' already exists in '{data_dir}'.")
56 with open(f"{data_file}.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
57 print(f.read())
60def kish_basin_extent(dat_path):
61 """Read the extent of the Kish Basin data.
63 Parameters
64 ----------
65 dat_path : str
66 Path to the Kish Basin data files
68 Returns
69 -------
70 geopandas.GeoSeries
71 GeoPandas geoseries of the extent polygon
72 """
73 dat_extent = pd.read_csv(
74 os.path.join(dat_path, "Kish GIS Map Extent - Square.csv"), skiprows=2
75 )
76 dat_extent = gpd.GeoSeries(
77 shapely.geometry.Polygon(
78 [
79 (dat_extent[" X"][0], dat_extent[" Y"][0]),
80 (dat_extent[" X"][1], dat_extent[" Y"][1]),
81 (dat_extent[" X"][2], dat_extent[" Y"][2]),
82 (dat_extent[" X"][3], dat_extent[" Y"][3]),
83 ]
84 ),
85 crs=CRS,
86 )
87 return dat_extent
90def read_dat_file(dat_path):
91 """Read XYZ halite data layers into an Xarray dataset.
93 Parameters
94 ----------
95 dat_path : str
96 Path to the DAT (ASCII XYZ) files
98 Returns
99 -------
100 tuple[xarray.Dataset, geopandas.GeoSeries]
101 Xarray dataset of the XYZ data and GeoPandas geoseries of the extent
102 """
103 gdf = {}
104 # for dat_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(dat_path, "*.dat")):
105 for dat_file in [
106 x
107 for x in glob.glob(os.path.join(dat_path, "*.dat"))
108 if "Zone" not in x
109 ]:
110 # read each layer as individual dataframes into a dictionary
111 gdf[os.path.split(dat_file)[-1][:-4]] = pd.read_fwf(
112 dat_file, header=None, names=["X", "Y", "Z"]
113 )
115 # assign layer name to a column
116 gdf[os.path.split(dat_file)[-1][:-4]]["data"] = os.path.split(
117 dat_file
118 )[-1][:-4]
120 # # find data resolution
121 # gdf_xr = gdf[list(gdf.keys())[0]].set_index(["X", "Y"]).to_xarray()
122 # resx = gdf_xr["X"][1] - gdf_xr["X"][0]
123 # resy = gdf_xr["Y"][1] - gdf_xr["Y"][0]
125 # combine dataframes
126 gdf = pd.concat(gdf.values())
128 # convert dataframe to geodataframe
129 gdf["geometry"] = gpd.points_from_xy(gdf.X, gdf.Y, crs=CRS)
130 gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gdf)
131 gdf.drop(columns=["X", "Y"], inplace=True)
133 # convert to Xarray dataset
134 xds = make_geocube(
135 vector_data=gdf,
136 # resolution=(-abs(resy), abs(resx)),
137 # align=(abs(resy / 2), abs(resx / 2)),
138 resolution=(-200, 200),
139 align=(100, 100),
140 group_by="data",
141 )
143 # split variables and halite members
144 xds_ = {}
145 for d in xds["data"].values:
146 halite_member = d.split(" ")[0]
147 # fix halite names
148 if halite_member == "Presall":
149 halite_member = "Preesall"
150 elif halite_member == "Flyde":
151 halite_member = "Fylde"
152 # unit = d.split(" ")[-1]
153 zvar = d.split("Halite ")[-1].split(" XYZ")[0]
154 xds_[d] = (
155 xds.sel(data=d)
156 .assign_coords(halite=halite_member)
157 .expand_dims(dim="halite")
158 .drop_vars("data")
159 )
160 xds_[d] = xds_[d].rename({"Z": zvar.replace(" ", "")})
161 # xds_[d][zvar.replace(" ", "")] = xds_[d][
162 # zvar.replace(" ", "")
163 # ].assign_attrs(units=unit, long_name=zvar)
165 xds = xr.combine_by_coords(xds_.values(), combine_attrs="override")
167 # # keep only points corresponding to zones of interest in the dataframe
168 # zones = gdf.loc[gdf["data"].str.contains("Zone")]
170 # # create zones of interest polygon
171 # zones = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=zones.buffer(100).envelope).dissolve()
173 # create extent polygon
174 dat_extent = kish_basin_extent(dat_path=dat_path)
176 return xds, dat_extent # zones
179def kish_basin_data_depth_adjusted(dat_path, bathymetry_path):
180 """Read halite data with adjusted depths and its extent.
182 Parameters
183 ----------
184 dat_path : str
185 Path to the DAT (ASCII XYZ) files
186 bathymetry_path : str
187 Path to the bathymetry netCDF file
189 Returns
190 -------
191 tuple[xarray.Dataset, geopandas.GeoSeries]
192 Xarray dataset of the halite data and GeoPandas geoseries of the extent
194 Notes
195 -----
196 A hacky workaround was used to prevent multiple grid mappings in the
197 resulting Xarray dataset by first assigning a variable of the desired
198 mapping and then multiplying it by zero prior to involving variables which
199 originally had a different mapping.
200 """
201 bath = xr.open_dataset(
202 os.path.join(bathymetry_path, "D4_2022.nc"), decode_coords="all"
203 )
204 bath = bath.chunk({"lat": 1000, "lon": 1000, "cdi_index_count": 1000})
205 xds, dat_extent = read_dat_file(dat_path=dat_path)
206 bath = bath.rename({"lon": "x", "lat": "y"}).rio.reproject_match(
207 xds, resampling=rio.enums.Resampling.bilinear
208 )
209 xds = xds.assign(TopDepthSeabed=xds["TopDepth"] + bath["elevation"])
210 xds = xds.assign(BaseDepthSeabed=xds["BaseDepth"] + bath["elevation"])
211 # hacky way to prevent multiple grid mappings
212 xds = xds.assign(Bathymetry=xds["TopDepth"] * 0 + bath["elevation"])
213 # for v in ["TopDepth", "BaseDepth"]:
214 # xds[f"{v}Seabed"].attrs = xds[v].attrs
215 # xds[f"{v}Seabed"].attrs["long_name"] = (
216 # xds[f"{v}Seabed"].attrs["long_name"] + " relative to the "
217 # "sea-floor"
218 # )
219 # xds["Bathymetry"].attrs = bath["elevation"].attrs
220 return xds, dat_extent
223def bathymetry_layer(dat_extent, bathymetry_path):
224 """Bathymetry layer for plotting.
226 Parameters
227 ----------
228 dat_extent : geopandas.GeoSeries
229 Extent of the data
230 bathymetry_path : str
231 Path to the bathymetry netCDF file
233 Returns
234 -------
235 xarray.Dataset
236 Xarray dataset of the halite data
237 """
238 bath = xr.open_dataset(
239 os.path.join(bathymetry_path, "D4_2022.nc"), decode_coords="all"
240 )
241 bath = bath.chunk({"lat": 1000, "lon": 1000, "cdi_index_count": 1000})
242 bath = bath.rio.reproject(CRS).rio.clip(dat_extent.to_crs(CRS))
243 return bath
246def read_shapefile_from_zip(data_path, endswith=".shp"):
247 """Read the Shapefile layer from a Zip file.
249 Parameters
250 ----------
251 data_path : str
252 Path to the exploration well Zip file
253 endswith : str
254 What the Shapefile's filename ends with
256 Returns
257 -------
258 geopandas.GeoDataFrame
259 Geodataframe of the Shapefile's data
260 """
261 data_shp = gpd.read_file(
262 os.path.join(
263 f"zip://{data_path}!"
264 + [
265 x
266 for x in ZipFile(data_path).namelist()
267 if x.endswith(endswith)
268 ][0]
269 )
270 )
271 return data_shp
274def halite_shape(dat_xr, halite=None):
275 """Create a vector shape of the halite data.
277 Parameters
278 ----------
279 dat_xr : xarray.Dataset
280 Xarray dataset of the halite data
281 halite : str
282 Halite member
284 Returns
285 -------
286 geopandas.GeoDataFrame
287 A (multi)polygon geodataframe of the halite's shape
288 """
289 if halite:
290 shape = (
291 dat_xr.sel(halite=halite)["Thickness"]
292 .to_dataframe()
293 .dropna()
294 .reset_index()
295 )
296 else:
297 shape = (
298 dat_xr.max(dim="halite")["Thickness"]
299 .to_dataframe()
300 .dropna()
301 .reset_index()
302 )
303 shape = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
304 geometry=gpd.GeoSeries(gpd.points_from_xy(shape.x, shape.y))
305 .buffer(100)
306 .envelope,
307 crs=CRS,
308 ).dissolve()
309 return shape