Source code for h2ss.capacity

  1"""Functions to calculate salt cavern volumes and storage capacities.
  5.. [#Jannel22] Jannel, H. and Torquet, M. (2022). Conceptual design of salt
  6    cavern and porous media underground storage site. Hystories deliverable
  7    D7.1-1. Hystories. Available at:
  9    (Accessed: 9 October 2023).
 10.. [#Williams22] Williams, J. D. O., Williamson, J. P., Parkes, D., Evans, D.
 11    J., Kirk, K. L., Sunny, N., Hough, E., Vosper, H., and Akhurst, M. C.
 12    (2022). ‘Does the United Kingdom have sufficient geological storage
 13    capacity to support a hydrogen economy? Estimating the salt cavern storage
 14    potential of bedded halite formations’, Journal of Energy Storage, 53, p.
 15    105109.
 16.. [#Caglayan20] Caglayan, D. G., Weber, N., Heinrichs, H. U., Linßen, J.,
 17    Robinius, M., Kukla, P. A., and Stolten, D. (2020). ‘Technical potential
 18    of salt caverns for hydrogen storage in Europe’, International Journal of
 19    Hydrogen Energy, 45(11), pp. 6793–6805.
 21.. [#Allsop23] Allsop, C. et al. (2023) ‘Utilizing publicly available datasets
 22    for identifying offshore salt strata and developing salt caverns for
 23    hydrogen storage’, Geological Society, London, Special Publications,
 24    528(1), pp. 139–169. Available at:
 25.. [#English23] English, J. M., English, K. L., Dunphy, R. B., Blake, S.,
 26    Walsh, J., Raine, R., Vafeas, N. A., and Salgado, P. R. (2023). ‘An
 27    Overview of Deep Geothermal Energy and Its Potential on the Island of
 28    Ireland’, First Break, 41(2), pp. 33–43.
 30.. [#Nayar23] Nayar, K.G., Sharqawy, M.H. and Lienhard V, J.H. (2023)
 31    Thermophysical properties of seawater. Available at:
 32 (Accessed: 10 April 2024).
 33.. [#Nayar16] Nayar, K.G. et al. (2016) ‘Thermophysical properties of seawater:
 34    A review and new correlations that include pressure dependence’,
 35    Desalination, 390, pp. 1–24. Available at:
 37.. [#Bell14] Bell, I. H., Wronski, J., Quoilin, S., and Lemort, V. (2014).
 38    ‘Pure and Pseudo-pure Fluid Thermophysical Property Evaluation and the
 39    Open-Source Thermophysical Property Library CoolProp’, Industrial &
 40    Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(6), pp. 2498–2508.
 42.. [#PyFluids] Portyanikhin, V. (2023). ‘portyanikhin/PyFluids’. Available at:
 43 (Accessed: 1 January 2024).
 44.. [#CoolProp] Bell, I. H. and the CoolProp Team (n.d.). Hydrogen - CoolProp
 45    documentation. Available at:
 47    (Accessed: 10 December 2023).
 48.. [#HydrogenTools] Hydrogen Tools (no date) Lower and Higher Heating Values
 49    of Fuels. Available at:
 51    (Accessed: 25 April 2024).
 54import numpy as np
 55import pandas as pd
 56from pyfluids import Fluid, FluidsList, Input
 58from h2ss import functions as fns
[docs] 61def cavern_volume(height, diameter=fns.CAVERN_DIAMETER, theta=20): 62 """Calculate the cavern volume. 63 64 Parameters 65 ---------- 66 height : float 67 Cavern height [m] 68 diameter : float 69 Cavern diameter [m] 70 theta : float 71 Cavern roof angle [°] 72 73 Returns 74 ------- 75 float 76 Ideal cavern volume [m³] 77 78 Notes 79 ----- 80 The cavern's ideal shape is a cylinder of height :math:`h_{cylinder}` [m] 81 with two conical ends each with a height of :math:`h_{cone}` [m] based on 82 [#Jannel22]_. Since the volume of a cylinder is defined as 83 :math:`\\pi r^2 h_{cylinder}` and the volume of a cone is defined as 84 :math:`\\frac{\\pi r^2 h_{cone}}{3}` (i.e. one third of a cylinder's 85 volume), the bulk cavern volume, :math:`V_{bulk}` [m³] can therefore be 86 deduced by calculating the volume of a cylinder of the cavern height, 87 :math:`h` [m] and deducting 4/3 of the volume of a cone of height 88 :math:`h_{cone}`. :math:`r` [m] is the radius of the cavern and 89 :math:`h_{cone}` is therefore equivalent to :math:`r \\tan(\\theta)`, 90 where :math:`\\theta` [°] is the cavern roof angle. 91 92 .. math:: 93 V_{bulk} = \\pi \\, r^2 \\, h 94 - \\frac{4}{3} \\, \\pi \\, r^2 \\, h_{cone} 95 .. math:: 96 V_{bulk} = \\pi \\, r^2 97 \\left(h - \\frac{4}{3} \\, h_{cone}\\right) 98 .. math:: 99 V_{bulk} = \\pi \\, r^2 \\left(h - \\frac{4}{3} \\, 100 r \\, \\tan(\\theta)\\right) 101 """ 102 r = diameter / 2 103 v_cavern = ( 104 np.pi * np.square(r) * (height - 4 / 3 * r * np.tan(np.deg2rad(theta))) 105 ) 106 return v_cavern
107 108
[docs] 109def corrected_cavern_volume(v_cavern, scf=0.7): 110 """Apply correction factors to the cavern volume. 111 112 Parameters 113 ---------- 114 v_cavern : float 115 Ideal cavern volume [m³] 116 scf : float 117 Shape correction factor 118 119 Returns 120 ------- 121 float 122 Corrected cavern volume [m³] 123 124 Notes 125 ----- 126 The corrected cavern volume, :math:`V_{cavern}` [m³] is defined as 127 128 .. math:: 129 V_{cavern} = V_{bulk} \\times SCF 130 131 where :math:`V_{bulk}` [m³] is the bulk cavern volume and :math:`SCF` is 132 the shape correction factor (deviation of the cavern's shape due to 133 geological differences). A :math:`SCF` of 0.7 is used as the default, as 134 defined in [#Jannel22]_, [#Williams22]_, [#Caglayan20]_, and [#Allsop23]_. 135 """ 136 return v_cavern * scf
137 138
[docs] 139def temperature_cavern_mid_point(height, depth_top, t_0=10, delta_t=37.5): 140 """Cavern mid-point temperature. 141 142 Parameters 143 ---------- 144 height : float 145 Cavern height [m] 146 depth_top : float 147 Cavern top depth [m] 148 t_0 : float 149 Mean annual seabed surface temperature [°C] 150 delta_t : float 151 Geothermal gradient; change in temperature with depth [°C km⁻¹] 152 153 Returns 154 ------- 155 float 156 Mid-point temperature [K] 157 158 Notes 159 ----- 160 See [#Williams22]_, Eqn. (2). 161 162 .. math:: 163 T_{midpoint} = T_0 + \\Delta_T \\, 164 \\frac{z + 0.5 \\, h}{1,000} + 273.15 165 166 where :math:`T_{midpoint}` is the cavern mid-point temperature [K], 167 :math:`T_0` is the mean annual surface temperature [°C], :math:`\\Delta_T` 168 is the change in temperature with depth, i.e. geothermal gradient 169 [°C km⁻¹], :math:`z` is the cavern top depth [m], and :math:`h` is the 170 cavern height [m]. 171 172 A :math:`\\Delta_T` of 37.5 °C km⁻¹ is used based on the geothermal 173 gradient of Kish Basin wells in the Mercia Mudstone Group reported in 174 [#English23]_. 175 Note that the cavern top depth is used instead of the casing shoe depth, 176 as the casing shoe is 30 m above the cavern top depth in this study, 177 rather than at the cavern top as modelled in [#Williams22]_. 178 """ 179 return t_0 + delta_t * (depth_top + height / 2) / 1000 + 273.15
180 181
[docs] 182def pressure_operating( 183 depth_water, 184 thickness_overburden, 185 thickness_salt=50, 186 rho_overburden=2400, 187 rho_salt=2200, 188 rho_water=1027, 189 minf=0.3, 190 maxf=0.8, 191): 192 """Cavern operating pressures. 193 194 Parameters 195 ---------- 196 depth_water : float 197 Sea water depth [m] 198 thickness_overburden : float 199 Overburden thickness / halite top depth [m] 200 thickness_salt : float 201 Thickness of the salt above the casing shoe [m] 202 rho_overburden : float 203 Density of the overburden [kg m⁻³] 204 rho_salt : float 205 Density of the halite [kg m⁻³] 206 rho_water : float 207 Density of the sea water [kg m⁻³] 208 minf : float 209 Factor of lithostatic pressure for the minimum operating pressure 210 maxf : float 211 Factor of lithostatic pressure for the maximum operating pressure 212 213 Returns 214 ------- 215 tuple[float, float] 216 Min and max operating pressures [Pa] 217 218 Notes 219 ----- 220 .. math:: 221 p_{casing} = (\\rho_{water} \\, t_{water} + \\rho_{overburden} 222 \\, t_{overburden} + \\rho_{salt} \\, t_{salt}) \\, g 223 .. math:: 224 p_{H_2min} = 0.3 \\, p_{casing} 225 .. math:: 226 p_{H_2max} = 0.8 \\, p_{casing} 227 228 :math:`p_{casing}` is the lithostatic pressure at the casing shoe [Pa]. 229 The thickness of the overburden, :math:`t_{overburden}` [m] is the same 230 as the depth to top of salt. :math:`t_{salt}` [m] is the thickness of 231 the salt above the casing shoe. :math:`t_{water}` [m] is the sea water 232 depth. :math:`\\rho_{water}`, :math:`\\rho_{overburden}`, and 233 :math:`\\rho_{salt}` are the densities of the sea water, overburden, and 234 salt, respectively [kg m⁻³]. :math:`g` is the acceleration due to gravity 235 [m s⁻²]. 236 237 :math:`p_{H_2min}` and :math:`p_{H_2max}` are the minimum and 238 maximum cavern operating pressures, respectively [Pa]. 239 240 See [#Williams22]_, Eqn. (3) and (4). This function has been modified to 241 include sea water depth and density to suit offshore conditions. 242 The sea water density is assumed as the mean value at a temperature of 10 243 °C, a salinity of 35 g kg⁻¹, and a surface pressure of 1 atm [#Nayar23]_ 244 [#Nayar16]_. 245 """ 246 p_casing = ( 247 rho_overburden * thickness_overburden 248 + rho_salt * thickness_salt 249 + rho_water * depth_water 250 ) * 9.81 251 p_operating_min = minf * p_casing 252 p_operating_max = maxf * p_casing 253 return p_operating_min, p_operating_max
254 255
[docs] 256def density_hydrogen_gas(p_operating_min, p_operating_max, t_mid_point): 257 """Density of hydrogen at cavern conditions. 258 259 Parameters 260 ---------- 261 p_operating_min : float 262 Minimum operating pressure [Pa] 263 p_operating_max : float 264 Maximum operating pressure [Pa] 265 t_mid_point : float 266 Mid-point temperature [K] 267 268 Returns 269 ------- 270 tuple[float, float] 271 Min and max hydrogen gas densities [kg m⁻³] 272 273 Notes 274 ----- 275 This function uses the CoolProp [#Bell14]_ wrapper called PyFluids 276 [#PyFluids]_. See [#Williams22]_, Section 3.4.2 and also the CoolProp 277 documentation for useful information on hydrogen [#CoolProp]_. 278 The ``pyproject.toml`` configuration file has been set such that the 279 default units used by PyFluids are SI units. PyFluids can also be used to 280 derive the compressibility factor. 281 282 Based on [#Caglayan20]_, Eqn. (3), the density can be approximated using 283 the following equation. 284 285 .. math:: 286 \\rho = \\frac{p \\, M}{Z \\, R \\, T} 287 288 where :math:`M` is the molar mass of hydrogen gas [kg mol⁻¹], :math:`R` is 289 the universal gas constant [J K⁻¹ mol⁻¹], :math:`p` is the pressure [Pa], 290 :math:`T` is the temperature [K], :math:`Z` is the compressibility factor, 291 and :math:`\\rho` is the hydrogen gas density [kg m⁻³]. 292 """ 293 rho_h2 = [] 294 for p_min, p_max, t in zip(p_operating_min, p_operating_max, t_mid_point): 295 h2_min = Fluid(FluidsList.Hydrogen).with_state( 296 Input.pressure(p_min), Input.temperature(t) 297 ) 298 h2_max = Fluid(FluidsList.Hydrogen).with_state( 299 Input.pressure(p_max), Input.temperature(t) 300 ) 301 rho_h2.append((h2_min.density, h2_max.density)) 302 rho_h2 = pd.DataFrame(rho_h2) 303 return rho_h2[0], rho_h2[1]
304 305
[docs] 306def mass_hydrogen_working(rho_h2_min, rho_h2_max, v_cavern): 307 """The working mass of hydrogen. 308 309 Parameters 310 ---------- 311 rho_h2_min : float 312 Minimum hydrogen density [kg m⁻³] 313 rho_h2_max : float 314 Maximum hydrogen density [kg m⁻³] 315 v_cavern : float 316 Cavern volume [m³] 317 318 Returns 319 ------- 320 tuple[float, float, float] 321 Working mass and the minimum and maximum operating mass of hydrogen 322 [kg] 323 324 Notes 325 ----- 326 See [#Williams22]_, Eqn. (5) and (6). 327 The mass of hydrogen at the minimum operating pressure represents the 328 cushion gas requirement. 329 330 .. math:: 331 m_{min} = \\rho_{H_2min} \\, V_{cavern} 332 .. math:: 333 m_{max} = \\rho_{H_2max} \\, V_{cavern} 334 .. math:: 335 m_{working} = m_{max} - m_{min} 336 337 The working mass of hydrogen, :math:`m_{working}` [kg] is the difference 338 between the stored mass of hydrogen at maximum, :math:`m_{max}` and 339 minimum, :math:`m_{min}` operating pressures [kg], which were derived 340 using the minimum, :math:`\\rho_{H_2min}` and maximum, 341 :math:`\\rho_{H_2max}` hydrogen densities [kg m⁻³], respectively, and the 342 cavern volume, :math:`V_{cavern}` [m³]. 343 """ 344 m_min_operating = rho_h2_min * v_cavern 345 m_max_operating = rho_h2_max * v_cavern 346 m_working = m_max_operating - m_min_operating 347 return m_working, m_min_operating, m_max_operating
348 349
[docs] 350def energy_storage_capacity(m_working): 351 """Cavern energy storage capacity. 352 353 Parameters 354 ---------- 355 m_working : float 356 Working mass of hydrogen [kg] 357 358 Returns 359 ------- 360 float 361 Energy storage capacity of cavern [GWh] 362 363 Notes 364 ----- 365 See [#Williams22]_, Eqn. (7). 366 See also [#HydrogenTools]_ for the heating values. 367 The energy storage capacity of the cavern, :math:`E_{cavern}` [GWh] is a 368 function of the working mass of hydrogen, :math:`m_{working}` [kg] and the 369 lower heating value of hydrogen, :math:`LHV` [MJ kg⁻¹]. 370 371 .. math:: 372 E_{cavern} = \\frac{m_{working} \\times LHV}{3,600,000} 373 """ 374 return m_working * 119.96 / 3.6e6