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Wind-to-Hydrogen Toolkit

Wind-to-Hydrogen Toolkit is a collection of tools developed by researchers in the H-Wind, HyFloat1, and HyFloatComp projects at the MaREI Centre, University College Cork (UCC) to study the integration of offshore wind with the production, storage, and utilisation of hydrogen.

We expect that these tools will be of benefit to project developers, students, and other researchers to work on green hydrogen systems. As work is peer reviewed, we will release these tools for public use as a durable output of the H-Wind, HyFloat1, and HyFloatComp projects. See Published Tools below for the list of open source tools we have released.

H-Wind, HyFloat1, HyFloatComp, and MaREI / UCC logos



Published Tools

  1. Thermodynamic and economic assessment of an electrolyser - hydrogen turbine system.

  2. Optimising production and long-term bulk storage of hydrogen from offshore wind in subsurface salt caverns.

  3. Levelised cost of transmission comparison for green hydrogen and ammonia in new-build offshore energy infrastructure: Pipelines, tankers, and HVDC.

  4. A geospatial method for estimating the levelised cost of hydrogen production from offshore wind.



H-Wind: Hydrogen from offshore wind

H-Wind is a MaREI Centre industry-led collaborative research project on the production of green hydrogen from offshore wind farms. Thanks to Ireland having one of the world’s best offshore wind resources, there is an extensive opportunity for green hydrogen to be generated through electrolysis from offshore wind farms in Ireland.

This three-year, multi-disciplinary project focusses on:

All of these factors will contribute to significantly replacing Ireland’s reliability on fossil fuels which will effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions, along with securing the national energy supply and enabling the exploration of new energy export markets.

The H-Wind project is supported by a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant No. 12/RC/2302 – P2 and by the industry consortium members: DP Energy, Equinor, ESB, and Gas Networks Ireland.

Follow the H-Wind project on LinkedIn.


HyFloat1: Concept development of floating offshore wind foundations coupled with hydrogen storage

Hydrogen produced from floating offshore wind energy will require innovative storage systems. The HyFloat1 project aims at developing new concepts for floating offshore wind foundations coupled with hydrogen storage. Several existing floating offshore wind foundations will be numerically assessed and modified for storing hydrogen. Converting offshore wind energy into hydrogen and storing it in the foundations of a floating offshore wind turbine is a novel approach that could reduce the levelised cost of energy for floating wind.

The HyFloat1 project is supported by a research grant from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).


HyFloatComp: Novel design and manufacturing strategies for innovative offshore composite hydrogen tanks

HyFloatComp aims to develop advanced manufacturing and design approaches for offshore composite hydrogen tanks, which will play a crucial role in the energy supply chain from offshore wind energy to end users. These composite tanks offer flexibility and strength, allowing them to withstand hydrogen pressure and environmental loads. The manufacturing process will utilise laser-assisted tow steering, enabling variable geometry and precise production of the tanks, making them reliable and cost-effective. The project will focus on understanding the structural behaviour of variable angle tow composites under high-pressure hydrogen conditions.

The HyFloatComp project is supported by a research grant from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

Research Outputs


Journal Articles

  1. Dinh, Q. V., Todesco Pereira, P. H., Dinh, V. N., Nagle, A. J., and Leahy, P. G. (2024). ‘Levelised cost of transmission comparison for green hydrogen and ammonia in new-build offshore energy infrastructure: Pipelines, tankers, and HVDC’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 62, pp. 684–698. Available at:

  2. Dinh, Q. V., Dinh, V. N., Mosadeghi, H., Todesco Pereira, P. H., and Leahy, P. G. (2023). ‘A geospatial method for estimating the levelised cost of hydrogen production from offshore wind’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48(40), pp. 15000–15013. Available at:

Conference Papers

  1. Dinh, Q. V., Dinh, V. N., and Leahy, P. (2023). ‘A method to map the levelised cost of hydrogen from offshore wind farms coupled to onshore electrolysers via HVDC’, in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 6th International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology 2023 (CEAT 2023), Penang: IOP Publishing, p. 012005. Available at:


  1. Streethran, N., Byrne, K., White, J., O’Neill, N., and Leahy, P. (2024). ‘Optimising production and long-term bulk storage of hydrogen from offshore wind in subsurface salt caverns’. Available at:

  2. Dinh, Q. V., Dinh, V. N., and Leahy, P. G. (2023). ‘A Diffusion Model Approach to Forecast Multi-Sector Demand Growth for Green Hydrogen Generated from Offshore Wind Power’. Available at:


  1. Brondolin, T. (2024). Power to hydrogen to power: thermodynamic and economic assessment of an Electrolyser - Hydrogen turbine system. Master’s Thesis. University of Padua. Available at:

  2. Albarello, A. (2023). Optimisation of Battery and Electrolyzer size for a Wind-to-Hydrogen Plant. Master’s Thesis. University of Padua. Available at:

  3. Magro, L. (2022). A techno-economic analysis of a hybrid offshore wind-hydrogen plant. Master’s Thesis. University of Padua. Available at:


  1. Le, H., Lyons, P., and Leahy, P. G. (2024). ‘Using a large-scale electrolyser plant to improve fault resilience and reduce the DC link capacitor size in a HVDC-connected offshore wind farm’. ENVIRON 2024 - 34th Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium, Waterford.


  1. Dinh, Q. V., Leahy, P., Dinh, N., and Pereira, P. (2024). ‘New infrastructure options for green hydrogen and ammonia from offshore wind: comparison by levelised cost of bulk transmission’. Wind Energy Ireland Annual Conference 2024, Dublin.

  2. Leahy, P., Dinh, N., Dinh, Q. V., Streethran, N., and Le, T. H. (2023). ‘Hydrogen from Offshore Wind: Production & Transmission Costs, Future Market Demand and Safety Considerations’. Wind Energy Trade Show 2023, Dublin.

  3. Mosadeghi, H., Todesco Pereira, P. H., Dinh, Q. V., and Leahy, P. G. (2022). ‘Grid Connection Options for Hybrid Offshore Wind – Electrolysis Plants’. Wind Energy Ireland Annual Conference 2022, Dublin.

  4. Todesco Pereira, P. H., Mosadeghi, H., Dinh, Q. V., and Leahy, P. G. (2022). ‘Subsystem Requirements for Hybrid Offshore Wind – Electrolyser Plants’. Wind Energy Ireland Annual Conference 2022, Dublin.


Conference Papers

  1. Pham, T. D., Trinh, L. C., Dinh, V. N., and Leahy, P. (2024). ‘Conceptual Design of a Hybrid Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Integrated With Hydrogen Production and Storage System’, in International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Singapore: American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection. Available at:


  1. Pham, T. D., Trinh, L. C., Dinh, N., and Leahy, P. G. (2024). ‘HyFloat1: Floating Offshore Wind Foundations Coupled with Hydrogen Storage’. Wind Energy Ireland Annual Conference 2024, Dublin.

  2. Pham, T. D., Dinh, N., and Leahy, P. (2023). ‘HyFloat1: Concept Development of Floating Offshore Wind Foundations Coupled with Hydrogen Storage’. Wind Energy Trade Show 2023, Dublin.

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